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COVID 19 Parish Testing Sites


COVID 19 Parish Testing Sites

June 5, 2020

The Louisiana Office of Homeland Security, with cooperation from Iberia Parish Government, recently announced State-sponsored COVID mobile testing sites and dates.  These sites are part of the State effort to support further reopening with increased testing and will be operated by the Louisiana National Guard and the Louisiana Department of Health.

These tests are free and open to anyone including individuals who are asymptomatic.  Sites will operate from 8AM to 11AM, starting Tuesday, June 16th.

COVID 19 Parish Testing Sites

The Louisiana Office of Homeland Security, with cooperation from Iberia Parish Government, recently announced State-sponsored COVID mobile testing sites and dates.  These sites are part of the State effort to support further reopening with increased testing and will be operated by the Louisiana National Guard and the Louisiana Department of Health.

These tests are free and open to anyone including individuals who are asymptomatic.  Sites will operate from 8AM to 11AM, starting Tuesday, June 16th.

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