How Stress Influences Pregnancy
While long-term stress during pregnancy can be associated with negative pregnancy outcomes like preterm birth, low birth weight, and increased risk of perinatal anxiety and depression, most stress won’t have an impact on pregnancy.
Navigating the holidays doesn’t have to look much different than approaching everyday life; you should still implement the coping and stress reduction tips mentioned below to stay on track with your health.
Tips to Reduce Stress
- Stay active.
- Be present.
- Allow time to rest.
Navigating pregnancy during the holiday season is about finding balance and learning when your body needs rest. Embrace the joy of motherhood and the festive spirit, but also remember to prioritize self-care. Getting enough sleep, eating well, and scheduling down time are great ways to practice self-care. Delegating responsibilities and limiting commitments during this time are important. Remember, it’s okay to say “No”.
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